The best practice to do is move prefetch/superfetch to a HDD with symlinks and keep it enabled. You can also tweak ReadyBoot and move it to another HD as well.
2013年10月8日 — For SSDs Prefetch / Superfetch should be disabled. Here is how you can check that the Superfetch is really disabled in Windows: Open Run dialog ...
2013年9月19日 — Yes, because the speed differential between RAM and a physical spinning disk hard drive is much larger than between RAM an a SSD. Also the ...
How to disable Prefetch?Use Win+R shortcut to open the Run dialog box.Type "regedit" and press Enter key to open Registry Editor.Navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSessionManagerMemory ManagementPrefetchParameters&
Yes, for most systems with SSDs. If the system disk is an SSD, and the SSD performs adequately on random reads and doesn't have glaring performance issues.
2023年6月6日 — Change the value to 0 to disable prefetching.The default value is usually 3 , enabling prefetching for both applications and boot files. Setting ...